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Passionfruit Black Tea

Passionfruit Black Tea

Item Code: XYL-011

Ingredients: OEM Various Elegant Taste Bubble Tea Ingredients

MOQ: 40pcs

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Dancong Crystal Bubble Tea

Material used:

Tea soup: 240ml, milk: 30g, cream: 25g, frutose: 30g, icecubes: 140g, crystal pearl: 30g

Making process:
Pour tea soup, milk, cream, frutose & icecubes into a shaker to sake, after adding some crystal pearls or tapioca pearls to enhance the taste.

Perfume Lemon Dancong Tea

Material Used:

Tea soup: 300ml, Perfume lemon: 6 slices, golden sugar syrup: 35g, Ice:250g

Making Process:

put perfume lemon slice into a shaker and smesh, then add golden sugar syrup and shake.


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